By The Santa Fe Travel Insider on Jul. 11, 2024 Every August, thousands of visitors arrive in Santa Fe for the annual Santa Fe Indian Market, produced by the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts (SWAIA), the largest juried Indian art market in the world. Santa Fe hotels fill to capacity and The City Different begins to buzz with Native American art and cultural events. This year, 2024, …

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Thanksgiving always brings an opportunity to take a deep breath and be thankful for the wonders of the year. Here in Santa Fe, we are grateful for the scenic beauty of our mountains and the many unique experiences. From dining in our world-class restaurants to the festivities on the Plaza to the kickoff of the holiday …

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Experts Forecast a Turnaround in the Housing Market in 2023

The housing market has gone through a lot of change recently, and much of that was a result of how quickly mortgage rates rose last year. Now, as we move through 2023, there are signs things are finally going to turn around. Home price appreciation is slowing from the recent frenzy, mortgage rates are coming down, inflation is easing, and …

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Six Ways to Love Santa Fe in February

By The Santa Fe Travel Insider on Jan. 13, 2023 Christmas and New Year’s Eve may be over but Santa Fe’s winter wonderland is still going strong in The City Different. Just a gaze to the east and you will see the Sangre de Cristo Mountain’s  gorgeous snowcap! Here are 6 happenings you’ll want to take advantage of …

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Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t Headed for a Crash

67% of Americans say a housing market crash is imminent in the next three years. With all the talk in the media lately about shifts in the housing market, it makes sense why so many people feel this way. But there’s good news. Current data shows today’s market is nothing like it was before the housing crash in …

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Planning to Retire? It Could Be Time To Make a Move.

Retiring in Santa Fe

If you’re thinking about retirement or have already retired this year, you may be planning your next steps. One of your goals could be selling your house and finding a home that more closely fits your needs. Fortunately, you may be in a better position to make a move than you realize. Here are a few things to …

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On the Fence of Whether or Not To Move This Spring? Consider This.


If you’re thinking of selling your house, it may be because you’ve heard prices are rising, listings are going fast, and sellers are getting multiple offers on their homes. But why are conditions so good for sellers today? And what can you expect when you move? To help answer both of those questions, let’s turn to the data. Today, there are far …

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